3 Steps to Unleashing the Vision for Entrepreneurship

This Summer BizChat Unlimited kicked off a summer series tour “Dare to Dream – Unleash the Vision Within”.
Our last stop was in Sandusky, OH aka the roller coaster city and location of Cedar Point.
I must admit, I had a quite a blast with this group! The energy they gave was amazing, which allowed me to pour out that much more in return #SanduskyEntrepreneursRock!

Last week’s topic was Daring to Dream Again, and this week will be about vision.
Vision can be described as a vivid mental image or
a mental picture of your future possibilities.
Having vision, allows you to see things as they could be.
So I have to ask….
-What is your vision?
-What ideas keep coming back to you?
-What have you put on the shelf that “could be” “possible” for you?
As you explore those questions, let’s dig a little deeper into this week’s topic: 3 Steps to Unleashing the Vision Within (using the Seek-Get-Craft or SGC Approach).
#1) Seek Guidance: Considering all vision comes from God; make it a priority to seek Him in this process.
Very likely your mind is overflowing with thoughts, dreams, visions, ideas etc. Take it all before God in prayer, submit it to Him, and be patient as He begins to give you revelation by connecting all the dots.
#2) Get Intentional: Ever heard the phrase “Jack of all trades, master of none?”
Such is the path of one who is not intentional in their vision.
Having vision will require you to be intentional regarding the choices you make in effort to achieve your vision.
In fact, vision controls your power of choice!
Think of it this way……
When your vision guides you on one path, then you intentionally make choices that will keep you moving toward that vision,
intentionally decline choices that will lead you off the path to achieving that vision.
#3) Craft Value: I have no doubt that you have an amazing vision, and you’re totally equipped with a set of unique qualities to bring them to past.
Many have their vision hidden in your heart, while for some its been marginalized and needs to be recalled, while others have a vision, but they're not quite sure how to craft it so the world can experience it.
While you’re still in the development stage, begin to take your vision, and craft it into something valuable that people want and are willing to pay for.
Anything valuable (ex. a diamond) is rare, highly coveted, and people are willing to pay for it.
Once this valuable vision you’re carrying finally becomes both well known and well desired, then people with resources will begin to seek out the visionary (that’s you!)

I wanted to wrap up by leaving you a few vision related guiding questions to ask yourself:
-Does my vision match my skills/gifting?
-Does my vision involving something I’m passionate about?
-How does my vision provide a service to others?
-Does my vision make people or the world better?
Will you need additional help in bringing your vision to pass? One sure way to unleashing your vision is to develop a written plan.
Having a plan for your vision will help with mapping out the steps and processes you need to take in creating your vision.
As a resource, the Business Plan Workbook for Creative Entrepreneurs is available to assist you in planning out your vision. You may access it by clicking the link: Biz Plan Workbook
****Next Stop for Dare to Dream- Unleash the Vision Within
Location: Akron, OH (home town of NBA Superstar Lebron James) Date: August 11. 2018 Time: 10:00 a.m. Cost: This is a FREE event Location: TBA
Until Next Time…….