Faith Over Fear

What do you do when you don’t know what to do? These are uncertain times, with many trying to figure that out. Your next step might be filing for unemployment, or your next may look like dealing with the loss of a loved one.
During this pandemic, coronavirus has changed the climate of our culture. Many of us have never seen a day this dark, and most of us are hopeful that we will never see a day like this again.
Looking at the condition of our world, I think it is safe to say that we have found a common enemy in COVID-19. It has shifted our economy in ways we once thought were unimaginable, yet we must persevere and press our way through this season with hope of a brighter day.
When I think of passion week, I am quickly reminded of what love, hope and sacrifice is all about. As we try to navigate our way through this pandemic, I have provided some helpful hints to get us through:
Stay Calm Now I am fully aware that this is easier said than done, but I want to challenge you to elevate your faith over fear. When we do this, we will have more peace than panic.
It is so easy to get caught up in fear with all the news that is being broadcasted.
Yes, we want to stay up to date with the latest information and statistics, but if they are disturbing your peace, it may be necessary to unplug periodically. It is imperative that you ignore negativity and feed your spirit positive energy.
Stay Connected In this time of quarantine, we must stay connected with loved ones like never before.
Take advantage of modern technology and connect with friends and family frequently. Your calls, text messages and video chats may be the very thing to keep them motivated another day.
We can also take this opportunity to get connected with our community. This is an awesome time to make new friends and reach out to those whom you have not heard from in a long time.
There are some great people in this world, and you may find joy in the relationships birthed during this challenging time.
Stay Challenged Many of us are experiencing an abundance of free time.
Do not squander this moment wasting time on frivolous things that will not produce much for your life.
Instead, maximize these moments by conceiving a new challenge in your life that may bring you future hope and blessings.
This is an opportune time to work on the projects that you said you always wanted to do — that very thing that escaped you because you just did not have enough time to get it done.
Allow this quarantine to be your blessing in disguise and get something done you always wanted to do.
Personally, I have challenged myself to utilize my creativity to produce some things that I should have done some time ago. Take a moment to cultivate your creativity, and it may just work in your favor.
Stay Charitable With the economic system in great distress, you may be wondering why we should stay charitable.
Giving is a Kingdom principle that works if you work it. Maybe you cannot give what you once gave, but all of us can find a way to give something.
It may be your time, your talent or your treasure, but your gift can make a difference.
This common enemy of COVID-19 is going to show us what we are made of.
Take a moment to brighten someone's day with a random act of kindness.
This virus is an adversary that will require a unified effort to combat.
We are stronger and better together.
Rejoice in faith, hope, and love.
Jesus is alive and that changes everything about today!
Pastor Curtis Johnson Jr.
Today's Guest Editor is Pastor Curtis Johnson Jr.,
New Jerusalem Baptist Church, Sandusky, OH
**Article originally appeared in the 4-11-2020 issue of the Sandusky Register. Re-post w/ permission from the editor